Thursday, August 29, 2013

Thank you.

I'm horrible at writing thank you notes, in fact I still have quite the stack to finish. There is a handful of people that I want to publicly thank. 

Becky K. 
My God. You literally held me through hearing the hardest sentence any parent dreads hearing. I have never been so happy that you work at that hospital. Thank you for holding my hand, for speaking up when the words didn't come out, for protecting my family's privacy, for protecting my sad veins (she drew my blood folks), for listening to me trying to rationalize over and over again. And simply for being there and not just this time, but always. 

Ashley S. 
You have been one of my best friends since I've moved up north. We've seen each other through plenty of ups and downs, I'm pretty certain this will be the worst, at least I hope so. I'm also pretty certain that there will be plenty more ups and downs. I'm not sure how to thank you, just know I love you.

Becky C. 
This lady. You're just awesome simple. And somehow with your awesomeness you manage to always know what to say to me, you have no idea how amazing that is - it's a skill. Your texts while I was in labor and even the week following meant so much. Similar to your skill with words, you have a skill with timing, each text came at the perfect time. I hope you know I am always here for you too, you're such a beautiful, fantastic person and mother. Don't ever forget it.

Andrea E. 
You my dear totally stepped up and my God I love you for it. Sending Janie to me was great, she's such a strong lady too, I appreciate it so much. You were another that had some good timing with text messages (although, I don't think anyone's timing could truly be "bad" during all this). Still though, I felt your prayers, and your kindness and I love you so much for it. 

Megan A. 
You my dear are just amazing - enough said. You always make me smile and laugh - which is much needed. I don't think I need to say it, but thank you, for the nursing school advice, for the hugs, the laughs, and the tears. Looking forward to more fun, happy times, and of course more Ryan stories - he's my favorite. Love you doll face. 

Crissy L. 
Holy Jeebus, I don't even know where to start. First, thank you for sitting at my lab table. Second, thank you for knowing how to handle the ridiculous things that come out of my mouth. Third, you are one of the few people I can count on, and one of the few that I trust with all my stories and one of the few that are bluntly honest with me - and I love you for it! I'm trying not to get sappy, but let's be serious, you have kept me put together, you've been my glue - especially since Jake has been back to work. You've listened to me try and figure out why this happened, and when I get a little too crazy, bring me back to sanity. I value and appreciate our friendship more than frappes, triple chocolate meltdowns and beer. Truth is, you are stuck with me. Now, lets hug (kidding..kind of).

Kim D. 
Ahh...I love you. You take care of my kids (Izzie included) better than me some days. That in itself is more than enough for the biggest thank you in the world. Then you sent me your Mom, Dave and of course yourself at the hospital and funeral, and days since. You were perfect and knew what Jake and I needed and even what the rest of our family needed through all this. I have never had a friend like you with the love that you give to others. I admire that about you, so much. I keep hearing what you did for others at the funeral, how you, Mom and Dave prayed over others, how you would just go up to others and give them a hug if it looked like they needed it. Kim, you are such a special person, you were made to care for others. You are so much stronger than I think you realize. I am so grateful Alicia told me to have you watch Rory, way back when (feels like a lifetime ago). I love you, thank you for all that you do for me, Rory, Jake and the rest of our family. 

Bobbi D. 
Two things, I'm going to make it quick. First, thank you for prayers and strength, you are so special and have a gift. Second, thank you for raising Kim the way you and Tom did. And being the strong woman you are, you set such a great example for her and it shows. 

Megan W. 
You live a billion miles away. I hate it. With that said, you are still my best friend. I don't need to tell you thank you, but I know you like the attention. (ha!) So, thank you for the long, in to the early hours of the morning talks. Thank you for your honesty (always) no matter how crude it may be. Thank you for looking out for me and wanting and trying to protect me from life and it's challenges. Thank you for your bad luck stories that always make me laugh, I still think you should write a book and make the world laugh. You know how I feel about you, I love you and hate you, you make me crazy with some of the crap in your life, but always always always through all the crap we have been through all these years and miles upon miles are there. Thank you. 

Adam J. 
You are with Jake everyday. I think you have helped shape him into the Dad he has become. Thank you for keeping an eye on him, for watching out for him and protecting him from getting hit by a semi. Simply, thank you. 

My amazing Aunts.
I can't tell you enough how thankful I am that you three came up here. I needed you, my mom needed her sisters, and the three of you have the added bonus of being entertaining. I appreciate you all so much. Jake and his grandparents are still talking about guys. Grandma and Grandpa are still waiting on a phone call for travel dates. (haaha)

Derek and Takoya. 
You guys are always there for us, just thank you. I know we don't to see each other as often as we all like, but still, thank you. We love you both so much, you are two of our greatest friends. 

Carly L. 
My big cousin, you sent me the best letter in the whole world. I read it every few days still, (your letter is turning into a novel). I don't really know what to say...I have always looked up to you and respected you. Reading your "wisdom" has been everything I could ask for and more. Thank you a million times.

Becca and Eric H. 
Thanks again for the food, flowers, hugs, and prayers. It was incredibly thoughtful of you guys and so appreciated! 

Kaleena B. 
Thank you for being there for us, especially Jake. He needed his big sister and we all love having you around. Don't be a stranger, Rory loves her Aunt! 

D. Bear - Danie R. 
My pretty lady, I just want you to know I love you. You are so strong, smart, caring, and countless other things I admire about you. Alina is so lucky to have you for a mom. I miss you. 

My August 2013 Mom Group.
You ladies are the greatest mix of crazy, smart, humor, and love all in one. I am so happy I decided to join way back last December. I have never been in a "mom group", and didn't know what to expect. I surely didn't think I would have the bonds we do. Now, I can't my life without all of you. Through losing Izzie, I said that the group held me up and kept my spirits up, gave me strength, and you ladies did all that and more. I'm so happy for you all of you and your new babies, all of you are wonderful, amazing mothers. I love you all, and appreciate you all. 

Ben and Sammie Q. (catch Q yea?!) 
Oh where to start....I'm not going to. Too much to say, so thank you. I love you both so much, and Jake I think does too. 

My mom, Grandma and Grandpa...there aren't enough words and you have letters in the mail.

To everyone that was there for us at the funeral or that was there in thoughts, thank you for that also. Your prayers and thoughts were felt and so appreciated, thank you. 

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